Our beautiful island, Puerto Rico. We call it "La Isla del Encanto", not on a whim, it is that there are truly many places that enrich our soul, many recognized spaces...
We present our first official collection of sounds and audios recorded by us, The Aural Mind Starter Pack! This collection includes 60 audio files in high resolution .WAV format, recorded at different...
Puerto Rico hid one of the most important scientific facilities in the world. We are referring to The Arecibo Observatory, home to one of the key research centers in the area of...
Old San Juan is one of the most visited places with historical value in Puerto Rico, both by its local community and by tourists who come to visit the archipelago. Located on...
Madrid has been one of the places we visit as part of our growth as professionals in sound and audio post-production. On our tour through the city we found noise, tourists, traffic,...